In No 46 Pre-Secondary School in Krakow the competition commission meeting was held which selected 5 best multimedia presentations out of 14 prepared for the competition. They present the lives of the prime ministers of the Second Polish Republic with a special emphasis on the personality of Kazimierz Bartel. The jury consisting of Katarzyna Kula-Guzgan, Grażyna Micek and Joanna Mielniczuk awarded:
I place – to Patrycja Rogóż of grade 3 F see the presentation -»
II place – to Olaf Śnieżek of grade 3 E ex aequo with Natalią Pajor of grade 3 C, see the presentations -» Olaf Śnieżek, Natalia Pajor
III place – to the collective project of the pupils of grades 3 F – M. Ślęzak, Sz. Minorczyk and B. Piwosz ex aequo with the presentation of Patrycja Nowacka of grade 3 C