The Foundation was granted the REGON No: 121040158

Domestic Court Register under No 0000 338823

The District Court issued the decision to enter the Foundation to the Domestic Court Register under No 0000 338823.

5 September 2008

The Foundation’s management Board submitted the Foundation’s Statute and the Document of Establishing the Foundation to the Domestic Court Register in Krakow and waits for the entry to the Domestic Court Register.

Best multimedia presentations

In No 46 Pre-Secondary School in Krakow the competition commission meeting was held which selected 5 best multimedia presentations out of 14 prepared for the competition. They present the lives of the prime ministers of the Second Polish Republic with a special emphasis on the personality of Kazimierz Bartel. The jury consisting of Katarzyna Kula-Guzgan, Grażyna Micek and Joanna Mielniczuk awarded:

I place – to Patrycja Rogóż of grade 3 F  see the presentation -»

II place – to Olaf Śnieżek of grade 3 E ex aequo with Natalią Pajor of grade 3 C, see the presentations -»  Olaf Śnieżek,  Natalia Pajor

III place – to the collective project of the pupils of grades 3 F – M. Ślęzak, Sz. Minorczyk and B. Piwosz ex aequo with the presentation of Patrycja Nowacka of grade 3 C

The inaugural Holy Mass

The inaugural Holy Mass was celebrated in the Fathers Benedictines Abbey in Tyniec on 12 May 2008 at 11 p.m.

he ceremony of presenting the memorabilia of Kazimierz Bartel

The ceremony of presenting the memorabilia of Kazimierz Bartel, the prime minister of the Polish Republic,  to the museum’s collection. The collection of orders, documents, books and photographs was presented to the Museum of Poland’s History by Ms Cecylia Bartel, the prime minister’s daughter. The precious memorabilia of her father, Kazimierz Bartel – will enrich the newly created collection of the Museum.
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